We are CRIA, not created. Little breeds. Loneliness. To smear yourself. The act, the creation and its moment. Sprout. The heart saying, "hit me" with every punch of suffering. In scene birth and death. Each time. Even in childbirth there is a force that wants to give up.

A life that begins touches the sublime.

Why so many children? Because you are going to kill some.

Self made man. Breed from a poor community.

The boy is the man's father. I lick my breed, who teaches me as parents, and completes - this hate that consumes me.

Before the final form there was the orgy, the sex, the pulse, the desires that confuse themselves; How dancing is erotic! The invitation of the body that dances and creates is for you to glide where life springs. And when every little bit wants to insist?

Relationships create movements, and here the newborn dance is the daughter of our affections.

In Portuguese the word CRIA (Breed) has two literary meanings: young being, animal or human and also the verb to create - In Brazil it is commonly used to express in which slum someone was born: "I'm CRIA from Complexo".

Alice Ripoll

Tiobil Dançarino Brabo, VN Dançarino Brabo, Nyandra Fernandes, May Eassy, Romulo Galvão, Thamires Candida, GB Dançarino Brabo, André DB, Hiltinho Fantástico, Katiany Correia, Tuany Nascimento

Director's assistant and sound technician
Alan Ferreira / Renato Linhares

Production Director
Natasha Corbelino | Corbelino Cultural

Thais Peixoto

Light designer
Andréa Capella

Nadja Naira
Raquel Theo

Funk musical direction
DJ Pop Andrade

Caick Carvalho

Video and photos 
Renato Mangolin

Centro Coreográfico da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Casa do Jongo, Rafael Machado Fisioterapia.

Run time
50 min

Age rating
14 years

Tour planning

CRIA TEASER from Alice Ripoll on Vimeo.

Artistic photos
By Renato Mangolin

Stage photos
By Renato Mangolin

Process photos
By Renato Mangolin

Agenda 2020

13 - 14 mar
Oslo (NO)
Black Box Teater

18 - 21 mar
Rennes (FR)
Théâtre National de Brétagne

24 mar
Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (FR)
Théâtre de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

28 apr
Manchester (UK)
The Lowry

23 - 24 may
Montreal (CA)
Technical info

28 fresnels 1k
2 ETC 25-50
500 Par LEDS RGBW - amber


Nov 2017
Teatro Municipal Sérgio Porto (RJ, Brazil)

Dec 2017
Teatro Angel Vianna (RJ, Brazil)

Jan 2018
SESC Belenzinho (SP, Brazil)

Feb 2018
SESC São João do Meriti (RJ, Brazil)

Mar 2018
Arena Carioca Dicró (RJ, Brazil)

Jul 2018
Festival des 7 Collines (Saint-Étienne, France) and Festival de La Cité (Lausanne, Switzerland)

Aug 2018
SESC Nova Iguaçu (RJ, Brazil)


