Alice Ripoll was born in Rio de Janeiro. She was studying to be a psychoanalyst at age 21, and took a devian path to start study dance, once she felt very curious about possibilities of the bodies and movement research. Alice graduated at Angel Vianna's school, which is a very important center for dance and motor rehabilitation and started to work as a choreographer.  

She directed many pieces, performed a few pieces - mostly of herself, and also worked with actors and circu artist. Currently her work embraces contemporary dance and urban dance styles from Brazil, through a research that opens space for the dancers to transform into images the experiences and memories that still live in each one.
Alice directs two groups: REC and SUAVE.

Her shows have been performed in several places / festivals in Brazil, such as Panorama Festival, Bienal SES de Dança, MIT; and abroad: Kampnagel - Internationales Sommerfestival, Zurich Theater Spektakel, Noorderzo Performing Arts, Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Saine-Saint-Denis; HAU, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Centre Pompidou, Wiener Festwochen.


Photo: Renato Mangolin


Founded in 2009, Cia REC is a powerful group of ghetto artists that elaborates and recreates the contemporary art. Composed by the director Alice Ripoll and the performers Alan Ferreira, Hiltinho Fantáscico, Katiany Correia, Tony Hewerton, Tuany Nascimento and Romulo Galvão, the group, with intense production, has three contemporary dance shows, a piece aimed at children a performance and a new creation “Lavagem”.

The group’s  first piece “Cornaca”, premiered at the Panorama Festival, and was awarded with circulation grant from the city and state of Rio de Janeiro, having also been performed in São Paulo, at SESC Pompéia Theater.

In 2014 the Company was awarded with two grants for the creation of two new pieces, “Bô”, which was presented at Arena Dicro, at the Angel Vianna Theater, at the Eva Hertz Theater, at Dance Gamboa and Ocupa Cacilda; and  “Pé de vento cabeça no chão”, aimed at children, presented in several theaters in Rio, São Paulo and Piauí, and also in public spaces. The performance “aCORdo” (2017) was presented at Castelinho do Flamengo, Sergio Porto Theatre, Panorama Festival de Dança (RJ), Casa do Povo (São Paulo), and Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels).


Directed by the choreographer Alice Ripoll, the group began with the creation of the performance Suave, which premiered at the Panorama Festival in 2014.

Having as inspiration the passinho (short step), a new style of urban dance that derived from Rio de Janeiro's funk, the show stands out for its unique energy, the quality of its performers and the refinement of the structure created by the choreographer.

The second performance of the group, CRIA, premiered in 2017. Inspired by the Dancinha (little dance), a derivation from Passinho dance, the performance explores a mixture of affection and sensuality through the interweaving of funk with contemporary dance.

The shows were presented in several festivals and theaters around the world, such as HAU - Hebbel Am Ufe, Tanzhaus NRW, Mousonturm, HELLERAU, CND - Centre National de la Danse, Festival de la Cité Lausanne, Hamburg Summer Festival, Zurich Theater Spektakel, Noorderzon Performing Arts Festival, and NorrlandsOperan.


Cia REC 2025


Cia Suave 2025

Zona Franca
Amsterdam (nl)
Internationaal Theater Amsterdam

Zona Franca
Kerkrade (nl)

Zona Franca
Utrecht (nl)
Stadsschouwburg Utrecht

Zona Franca
Den Haag (nl)

Zona Franca
Mainz (de)
Tanzmainz festival

Zona Franca
Breda (nl)
Chassé Theater

Zona Franca
Rotterdam (nl)
Theater Rotterdam

Zona Franca
Valence (fr)
Comédie de Valence

Zona Franca
Valence (fr)
Comédie de Valence

Zona Franca
Hannover (de)
KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen

Zona Franca
Hannover (de)
KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen

Zona Franca
Munich (de)
Dance Munich

Zona Franca
Munich (de)
Dance Munich

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